
I was doing some powershelling for a client, and then I was trying to do an export from the proxyaddresses, but when I tried to export to CSV in the output file I was receiving something similar to System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] in that field.

So, if you are facing an error similar to that, you need just to convert the field in order to export it. So you will need to execute something similar to that:

get-azureaduser | select-object  UserPrincipalName,@{Name=”proxyaddresses”;Expression={$_.ProxyAddresses}}, DisplayName | export-csv -path C:\export.csv

that’s all, pretty simple, isn’t it

4 responses to “PowerShell Alternative Proxy Address”

  1. Yes, it is very useful tip.


    1. Thank usefull command


      1. THANK YOU.. OH MA GAADD!!!

        Liked by 1 person

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